Monday, June 3, 2013

Belize 2013: Friday - Only You Two

As could have been expected from the previous night's activities, I woke Friday with a hangover and heavy case of PAD (post-alcohol depression, a term coined by one of Lizzie's friends that I will forever go on to use). I sadly decided to forego the scheduled catamaran and snorkeling trip, as my sunburned skin and upset stomach most likely wouldn't have been able to withstand the hot sun and rolling ocean. Anyway. As I slept the morning away and stayed indoors, people swam with large schools of fish, sharks and stingrays. Garrett and my dad went out on a trip with Nester and caught fish that looked like this:

I missed out.

With a head held low I emerged from our hotel room around noon. I was happy to be greeted by members of the Boston crew that had stayed back from the snorkeling trip and hear stories from the night before. It was nice, and relieving, to learn that I wasn't the only drunk kid at the party.

People eventually filtered in from snorkeling and fishing, tired from the morning's (and I bet from the night before, too) events. The remainder of the day was spent lazily napping indoors, drinking water in abundance, and reading in the shade. Well, that's how my day went. Some swam, some sunbathed, and some continued to party. Garrett, of course, decided to fish off of the docks some more (shocker!) and climb palm trees to retrieve coconuts.

Friday evening was the night of the rehearsal dinner. We all gathered in Cocoblanca, the resort's beautiful restaurant.

Speeches filled the air as friends and family paid tribute to the beautiful couple. A theme of recognizing the ability of Kevin and Lizzie to bring people together circulated the room all night long. Not one of us in that room ever second guessed saying yes to traveling to Belize for Kevin and Lizzie's wedding; had it not been for them, though, many of us never would have gone there--at least not at this time and point in our lives. Thank goodness they chose Belize as the place to hold their wedding, and thank goodness they're such lovable people, because I know that for most of us, if not all, it was a trip of a lifetime.

So thank you, Kevin, for always being kind, full of smiles, loyal, and up for anything. And thank you, Lizzie, for being funny, wise, devoted, and caring. We all love you both so much and are grateful for the impact that you continue to have on our lives. And for inviting us to your wedding in Belize.

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